Learn more about the exciting history of AES Akku Energie Systeme GmbH
From the garage into the world

Location Hamburg: Expansion of production area to 1,500 m².
Equipped for the future: AES Akku Energie Systeme GmbH responds to the demands of the market and relies on its new automated production of its economically as well as technically efficient products – Made in Germany.

Location China: Establishment of a second production site with 2,800 m².
AES Akku Energie Systeme GmbH expands its production capacity through the proven cooperation with its highly qualified partners in the Far East.

Move to new production facility with 1,100 m² in Hamburg.
Driven by the great performance of the whole team, AES Akku Energie Systeme GmbH opens the doors to its new production facility.

Business premises with 230 m² in Hamburg
The garage used to be. The constantly growing demand requires the hiring of more highly qualified employees and the first expansion of the production area.

Foundation of AES Akku Energie Systeme GmbH
Based on their success Hillermann and Behlke found in addition to Matthias Behlke and Lars Hillermann GbR -Akku Energie Systeme- the AES Akku Energie Systeme GmbH.

Operating facility with 112 m² in Hamburg
Company founders Hillermann and Behlke build their first lithium-ion batteries for the logistics sector in a garage. One of their first customers: Deutsche Post AG .

Foundation of Matthias Behlke and Lars Hillermann GbR -Akku Energie Systeme-.
Lars Hillermann and Matthias Behlke lay the foundation for their startup company and pave the way for the development of their own innovative LiFePO4 products (LFP).